Good morning from Monday, the start of a week off. So I can start my day with blogging rather than end it that way. |
OK, confession. Yesterday wasn't a complete success for abstaining from anything internet or device related.
Firstly, it's rugby and I live in New Zealand and while getting up at 4am to watch the game (a) against my goal for better sleep (b) a very bad idea as when I take that much interest the team I'm interested in tend to loose. I consider myself and interested bad luck charm. So I don't need to explain anymore there. Once checked the iPad went back into the drawer.
I then had a flurry of early activity, washing, cleaning, sorting, gardening, it was all go. I delivered breakfast in bed to the man and kept going.
We headed out for healthy lunch and shopping for our upcoming trip and all was lovely in the day, the sun was out, the washing was on the line.
Ah yes, we watched TV in the evening, mistake all round really as we argued over what to watch, then a friend turned up when I was cooking dinner and the man was watching TV, he kindly swapped roles, so I could chat and he cooked, we went back to the TV, but there was a problem with the streaming, so it all got a messed up. One good thing, a bad (OK very bad) habit I have is that I will be using the phone/iPad while watching TV. It may be Pintrest or photos, and yes it will be Facebook. I know I shouldn't I know it's bad. So at least last night the phone and iPad where safely out of power and on the shelf.
Next week back to a game in the evening (but there will still be the rugby - it is the final after all).
Since last week and re-reading this book I moved onto her second book on the same theme. While again, I skipped the parenting stuff and skim read sections, I don't particularly agree with her on many things or what she chooses to focus on, but what I do relate to and I think the main take home message of 'Be Gretchen'. I am meant to Be Katie and that is a good start.
A little aside but re-reading isn't something I do often, I read the first book back in 2011 and I am curious as to why I seem to be coming back to it but I am also conscious of a very different me that it is reading it. Curious.
There was more commentary on the 'stuff' in life and while I don't have hoards of clothes, why am I keeping the ones I don't wear. So into the box they go. We then both marched on the spare room and more sorting means the charity shops will receive some more wondrous donations next week.
Her chapter on January centred on 'time' and the resolution of 'control the cubicle in my pocked'. This did resonate, as a crazy list maker, with an inbox that gives me chest pain and a seemingly never end of jobs that I set myself I was interested in how she tackle this area. There wasn't any groundbreaking never heard it before ideas, but it does help to know you aren't the only one struggling with these things. She also has a device/internet 'thing' and does talk about her habits in this area. She mentions the 'device sabbath' ideas of switching off for a day. I did love the chap that doesn't even read non-fiction as part of it.
If you are interested in finding out more about these books and your own happiness project check out her website - Gretchen Rubin
Next up for me is final planning stage for our last minute trip to Queenstown, yes a week off and some time away to see the mountains and breathe the South Island air.